Our Team

Kendra Varadi

I've been part of the Tacoma community for over 20 years, and lived in practically every neighborhood within the city limits. I was in one of the first graduating classes at the University of Washington-Tacoma Social Welfare program, worked for over a decade in the service industry, and have been a member of the small business community here since 2014, with KV Apothecary.

With this experience, I am confident that I can guide you through the real estate experience, whether it's buying a home, uprooting from a current one, or dreaming up your next adventure. I will be at your side as a personal advocate and advisor, helping you achieve your home ownership goals and enhancing your connections within the community.

When I'm not out there hustling for my clients, I can be found in my kitchen mixing up herbal concoctions, hanging out with family and friends, or outside exploring with my two young boys.

j. “Aardë”

Born and raised in the PNW, I love everything there is to offer from mountain to sea. I spent most of my childhood between Olympia, Ocean Shores and Downtown Tacoma's Antique Row where I have over 20 years of experience in the antique and auction business. I am the proud parent of one adult son who joined me in the care of my grandfather at the end of his life. That led me into a caregiving position for aging adults with disabilities. 5 years ago, when I decided to navigate a career in the real estate industry, I naturally fell into obtaining my Senior Real Estate Specialist designation which best serves my desire for ethical end of life planning.

Buying, selling, upsizing and downsizing homes are some of the more important steps in one's life and can transcend generations. I am confident in my abilities to calmly lead you through every aspect of the process with honesty, clarity and a genuine interest for you to attain your goals. I take great pride in being a proper advocate for all of my clients whether they are embarking on a first time purchase all the way to deciding the best way to leave their assets when they move on.